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School Workshops

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust have been into 6 local primary schools and run workshops with 360 pupils in 12 different Year 5 and Year 6 classes.

The workshops looked at local and community history and utilised film clips and material collected during the Push Up Brentford! project.

One of the components was to look at Brentford's local rivals and why those rivalries were established. Apparently, the classroom singing of 'Bees Up, Fulham Down' went down particularly well!


Steam Museum

Film Launch

Thanks to the great generosity of the Kew Steam Museum [London Museum of Water & Steam - to give it its official title!] We were able to have a socially distanced film launch for 27 people.

We would have loved to have a bigger audience but because of the restrictions we were only able to invite the project volunteers, interviewees, funders and partners - and even then had to rely on some of them not being able to attend!

The film was very well received at its world premiere and those who had seen the rough cut and made comments and suggestions for improving the film were pleasantly surprised as to how much better it was.

We had a Q&A after the film screening with some volunteers and interviewees coming up front to answer the audiences questions.

The film is now online for all to watch. We hope you enjoy it.

StallsThe socially-distanced stalls

Q and Athe Q&A

Podcasts and Promotion

Gearing up to the publication of our series of 6 podcasts we were interviewed by Beesotted and provided a taster of what was to come. You can catch up with it here.

We were also interviewed by Bees United for their newsletter and you can read the article here.

In the meantime, we have uploaded a further seven interviews to the interviews page. And the first of the podcasts has dropped at Beesotted and our newly created podcasts page.

Keep up to date by following on twitter.

Bees United Article

Huw Powell
Marcus Gayle

Interviews continue

Do you remember that picture of Ron Noades holding two footballs? Well, that was taken by photographer Huw Powell who worked for the local press covering Brentford. We interviewed him for the project and he had us in stitches throughout!

We also had a marathon interview with some bloke in a tank-top. Lots of fantastic stories about his two and a half years as manager of Brentford. We would have gone into a third hour with him if the staff at GP weren't keen to get home before midnight! Rest assured, Martin Allen loves Brentford as much as any fan.

You will be able to listen to all the interviews recorded for this project as and when we get the chance to upload them. Keep up to date by following on twitter.

Martin Allen
Alan Hawley

vox pop interviews

Vox Pops

Before the game against Blackburn we went to a local pub to both practice our new-found skills in interviewing and sound recording and to widen our interviewee base with a dozen or so vox pops. It was great fun and we'd like to thank all those that gave their time to talk to us.

vox pops

DiscussionDiscussing oral history

Oral History Training

We began the day with a look at the strengths, challenges and ethics behind running oral history projects and how memory and subjectivity play a role in people's experiences. We looked at how editing can change a listener's perception of what is being said and to be alive to this and to avoid any occasions where this might misrepresent an interviewee. We also discussed the importance of other sources, be they documentary evidence or other interviews, in providing a rounded picture of events for the sake of historical accuracy.

We then looked at sound recording, locations and microphone technique and had hands-on practice and familiarisation with the sound recording equipment.

We then moved on to interviewing techniques, body language and responses and put everything together with some practice interviews.

practice interviewsPractising interviews

sound recordingLearning the sound recording equipment

Gunnersbury Park Museum Oral History Collection

Gunnersbury Park Museum have kindly allowed us to upload the edited, themed extracts from their 2004 Oral History Project of Brentford Football Club. Have a listen here.

Do visit the museum to listen to the full interviews. It's well worth it!

Gunnersbury Park Museum

All volunteer places have now been filled.
Thank you to everyone that enquired, sorry we could not fit you all in.
We'll leave the call out below online for information purposes.

Would you like to volunteer on this project?

Push Up Brentford!: An Oral History of Brentford Football Club

We are looking for 16 volunteers to get involved in this exciting new project which will record and preserve the history of fans, players and staff of Brentford Football Club. With funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund this project will explore this important part of London’s history. You will receive training and support to conduct oral history interviews. You will form part of a team supported by digital:works to go on to meet and record interviews with various people related to the club and its history.

We will be working with local archives in Chiswick as well as accessing the archives of the football club.

Training and activities for volunteers:

  • Tour of Griffin Park football ground.
  • Talk and workshop from a historian.
  • In-depth training from digital:works in oral history interview techniques and using audio equipment.
  • Research workshops at local archives.
  • Learn to write interview summaries.
  • Support conducting oral history interviews.
  • The opportunity to interview some of Brentford’s most well-known people, such as club legend, Peter Gilham.

These recordings will be given to local archives and Digital-works will be filming the interviews to make an oral history based documentary that will be shared widely, online, on TV, and at community history groups across the UK.

Your commitment:

  • You will need to be able to take part in all three training days plus a research visit to Chiswick Library Archives.
  • Training days are Monday 3rd February, Monday 10th and Thursday 13th from 10am to 4pm at Griffin Park, Brentford.
  • There will be an additional research visit to Chiswick Library Archives 11am Thursday 6th February.
  • You will conduct at least one day as part of an interview team. These will mainly take place in the Brentford area throughout March 2020. Dates and times to be confirmed.
  • There will be a big launch event for the film and interviews later in 2020.

Some volunteer expenses will be covered.

Find out more about the project and history here.

Places are limited so please contact us asap to find out more and book your place.
Matthew Rosenberg: or 07949 107 023

Find out more about digital:works:

digital:works have been running oral history projects across London that connect Londoners new and old with the history of the city. We provide high quality and fun training to all volunteers. To find out more about us please visit our website at:
